The soft, damp skin merged, and he brought her close with one hand, forcing her to turn her head slightly so that their noses weren’t crushed together
. Her hand, the one at Daniel’s lips, crept lower, grazing against his chest, down the solid wall of his abdomen, to cup his crotch. “Good,” Betty’s lips curled into a smile, and she moved closer
Brunette. . ” Jamie’s face was bright red with embarrassment

The soft, damp skin merged, and he brought her close with one hand, forcing her to turn her head slightly so that their noses weren’t crushed together
. Her hand, the one at Daniel’s lips, crept lower, grazing against his chest, down the solid wall of his abdomen, to cup his crotch. “Good,” Betty’s lips curled into a smile, and she moved closer
Brunette. . ” Jamie’s face was bright red with embarrassment

The soft, damp skin merged, and he brought her close with one hand, forcing her to turn her head slightly so that their noses weren’t crushed together
. Her hand, the one at Daniel’s lips, crept lower, grazing against his chest, down the solid wall of his abdomen, to cup his crotch. “Good,” Betty’s lips curled into a smile, and she moved closer
Brunette. . ” Jamie’s face was bright red with embarrassment

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