She looked like my wife but didn't sound like her, being so sweet and nice like that
. Getting off my lap she walked out of the office and went upstairs to the bedroom. He explained that one reason he had given Paul some stuff was because Paul asked for it and so did Cindy
. . I broke down in tears, my shame was complete

She looked like my wife but didn't sound like her, being so sweet and nice like that
. Getting off my lap she walked out of the office and went upstairs to the bedroom. He explained that one reason he had given Paul some stuff was because Paul asked for it and so did Cindy
. . I broke down in tears, my shame was complete

She looked like my wife but didn't sound like her, being so sweet and nice like that
. Getting off my lap she walked out of the office and went upstairs to the bedroom. He explained that one reason he had given Paul some stuff was because Paul asked for it and so did Cindy
. . I broke down in tears, my shame was complete

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