The goddess turned and looked at her consort
. After a time, the ladies-in-waiting were done with her. ‘You’re not really a plant, are you?’ she asked it
Hot link. . She wanted to know if it would excite him, for she felt that Jim would understand, agree with and except this type of behavior from her

The goddess turned and looked at her consort
. After a time, the ladies-in-waiting were done with her. ‘You’re not really a plant, are you?’ she asked it
Hot link. . She wanted to know if it would excite him, for she felt that Jim would understand, agree with and except this type of behavior from her

The goddess turned and looked at her consort
. After a time, the ladies-in-waiting were done with her. ‘You’re not really a plant, are you?’ she asked it
Hot link. . She wanted to know if it would excite him, for she felt that Jim would understand, agree with and except this type of behavior from her

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