Was I still using it? I was surprised at how dextrous I’d become not even aware of my hand moving it
. It was probably one of my most expensive toys and before I could even figure out how it’d gotten on my bed the voices were back. ‘You can take it
. . I have been friends with my bestie, Suzanna, for 12 years and about 5 years ago we lost touch but we reconnected recently after both having children of round the same age

Was I still using it? I was surprised at how dextrous I’d become not even aware of my hand moving it
. It was probably one of my most expensive toys and before I could even figure out how it’d gotten on my bed the voices were back. ‘You can take it
. . I have been friends with my bestie, Suzanna, for 12 years and about 5 years ago we lost touch but we reconnected recently after both having children of round the same age

Was I still using it? I was surprised at how dextrous I’d become not even aware of my hand moving it
. It was probably one of my most expensive toys and before I could even figure out how it’d gotten on my bed the voices were back. ‘You can take it
. . I have been friends with my bestie, Suzanna, for 12 years and about 5 years ago we lost touch but we reconnected recently after both having children of round the same age

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